Vacation Bible School

Day 1
-- Of two, only one is true! --we will be taught about CREATION, the first C of history. Eden the parrot reminds us of when God created a beautiful world that was all good and included the garden of Eden and perfection.
Day 2
we will be taught about CORRUPTION and CATASTROPHE, the second and third C’s of history. Tox the toxic poison dart frog reminds us of when Adam sinned and his children and grandchildren were so wicked that God sent a worldwide flood to punish their sin. Now we see good in the world but also sin and sadness.

Jungle Journey
Promotional Video
Day 3
Scatter the silverback gorilla will teach us on Day 3 about CONFUSION, the fourth C of history. Scatter, who likes to stay with other gorillas, reminds us of when God SCATTERED the people at Babel by confusing their language, causing them to move apart and develop different cultures all over the world.
Day 4
On Day 4, Rose the river dolphin will teach us about CHRIST and the CROSS, the fifth and sixth C’s of history. We will learn all about when Jesus came to earth as a baby, lived a perfect life, died on the cross, and ROSE from the dead so those who repent of their sins and believe in Jesus can become children of God.
Day 5
Finally, on Day 5, Bliss the bird-wing butterfly will teach us of the last C of history, CONSUMMATION. We will learn about when all things will go back to good again and God’s people, in transformed bodies, will live in BLISS on the new heaven and new earth.
What do we do at VBS . . .
Each day of VBS is loaded with activities and fun!
Every day the children will visit specific rooms:
Music in the Manor is where we start and end each day with singing and praising God. The kids will be introduced to the day's theme every morning here before they split into grades to enjoy the rest of the day's activities.
Treats in the Castle is where the kids make their own snack and eat it too!
Crafts in the Courtyard is where the children create a craft that connects with our theme and story of the day.
Truth Talks in the Keep is where the kids will study the portion of scripture and corresponding theme. Ultimately they will learn each day how God's Word is TRUTH
Griffin's Games on the Green is where the kids get to go outside for some fresh air and burn off energy playing games.
Castle Closing is where everyone all joins together to sing some more and review what the children learned on that day and connect it to their lives.
We also will be accepting food donations for the local Food Bank!